A downloadable game for Windows

This game is probably cursed))) It not compleated yet. I started creating it about 10 years ago, but there were always some problems with the game. I remember when I finished creating the first stage of the game, my laptop just (literally) burned down! The charger connection area lit up. The laptop could not be repaired. I postponed the development indefinitely. But since I still have a prototype of this game in the cloud, I decided to send it to my friends for review. They played and said that the game was beautiful, but their daughter, who also tried to play, later for some reason became afraid to play this game again. They said that unfortunately they had to delete the game. A few years later, when I got a new laptop, I decided to continue creating this game. The development was successful, but as soon as I finished creating the second stage of the game, the laptop stopped loading Windows and an inscription began to appear on the screen stating that my laptop needed repair. It took another 2 years, I already decided to get rid of the laptop, but one of my friends, who is very well versed in technology, fixed the laptop. We tried to launch the game, it worked. Another month passed, and I decided to continue creating the game, but as soon as I tried to run it for testing, the program gave me a message that the file could not be run. I'm sooo tired of this game already.... I planned to make it small, but many years have passed and I have not finished it. The program only allowed me to compile the game into an EXE file, but I can't run it. Anyway, I decided to try posting it here, but I don't even know if it will launch and work fine.


Ametrina_Must_Live_EXE.exe 101 MB

Development log

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